五、关于妇女和儿童权利 | V. On the rights of women and children |
美国是世界上少数几个至今尚未批准《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和《儿童权利公约》的国家,在妇女和儿童权利保护方面依旧问题突出。 | The U.S. remains one of a few countries in the world that have not ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women or the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It faces prominent problems in protecting the rights of women and children. |
女性遭遇就业和薪酬歧视。美国劳工统计局2012年数据显示,2011年,大约2/3的最低薪酬工作由女性承担,61%的最低薪酬全职工是女性。(见注41)2012年4月17日的一项调查数据显示,按平均值,美国女性需要从2011年工作到2012年4月17日才能挣到美国男性2011年全年的收入,工资平均仅为男性的77%,黑人女性的工资相当于男性的62%,拉丁裔女性的工资相当于男性的54%,部分州有色人种女性工资水平尚不足有色人种男性工资收入的50%。(见注42)男女工资差异最大的是怀俄明州,女性的工资仅为男性的64%。(见注43)俄克拉荷马州投票通过了州宪法修正案,终止了在州内115个政府机构中增加雇佣妇女和少数民族的积极行动计划。(见注44)孕妇和新生儿母亲面临着现实的就业歧视问题,雇佣者并不尊重“怀孕歧视法案”,时常发生逼迫怀孕女员工离开自己工作岗位的事件。(见注45)休斯敦一名妇女为了让新生儿喝到新鲜的母乳而向所在公司申请带着吸奶器上班,却因此被公司解雇,康涅狄格州一名孕妇在告知公司怀孕消息后被要求自行辞职。(见注46) | Women face discrimination in employment and payment. Women made up about two-thirds of all workers in the U.S. who were paid minimum wage or less in 2011 and 61 percent of full-time minimum wage workers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.womensenews.org, December 11, 2012). On average, women have to work as far as April 17 into 2012 to catch up with that men earned in 2011, meaning women earned 77 cents to the male dollar. African American women earn 62 cents to the male dollar, Latinas 54 cents. In some states, women of color earn less than half as their male counterparts. Women in Wyoming, the lowest ranking state, earn just 64 cents on the male dollar (www.womensenews.org, April 30, 2012). Voters in Oklahoma approved an amendment to the state's constitution to end affirmative action programs in state government that had been designed to increase the hiring of minorities and women in the state's 115 agencies (www.articles.chicagotribune.com, November 7, 2012). The problems that pregnant women and new mothers face on the job are very real. Employers routinely ignore mandate in the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and are forcing pregnant women out of the workplace (www.edition.cnn.com, November 26, 2012). A Houston mother says she was fired from her job at a collection agency after asking to bring a breast pump into the office so she'd have plenty of fresh breast milk for her newborn. A new Connecticut mom says her new employer asked her to resign after she told them she was pregnant (www.latimes.com, February 8, 2012). |
女性贫困率高于男性。国家妇女法律中心报告称,2011年女性的贫困率为14.6%,高于男性的10.9%。40%的女性户主家庭处于贫困状态,一项针对退休妇女境况的报告显示,女性退休人员的贫困率比男性退休人员高50%。(见注47) | The poverty rate among women is higher than males. The National Women's Law Center (NWLC) announced that the poverty rate for women in 2011 was 14.6 percent, compared to men's 10.9 percent. Women are more likely to live in poverty and about 40 percent of women who head families live in poverty, according to the NWLC. Another report on the plight of female retirees also notes that the poverty rate among retired women is 50 percent higher than their male counterparts (womensenews.org, September 17, 2012). |
妇女遭受暴力和性侵犯。在美国,平均每天有3名女性因家庭暴力而丧生。(见注48)反家庭暴力机构在2011年9月发起的一项全国调查显示,每天有超过67000名受害人接受他们的帮助。(见注49)2010年美国强奸案被捕率仅为24%。(见注50) 2012年,联合国人权理事会针对妇女暴力问题特别报告员在提交联大的报告中指出,美国多数监狱未就防止囚犯性侵犯行为对监狱管理人员进行充分培训,监狱强奸案发生之后通常不了了之,有罪不罚。(见注51) | Women are the victims of violence and sexual assaults. An average of three women in the U.S. lose their lives every day as a result of domestic violence (www.dccadv.org, October 1, 2012). A national census of domestic violence agencies in September 2011 found that more than 67,000 victims were served in a single day (www.womensenews.org, July 17, 2012). In 2010, the arrest rate for rape was 24 percent in the U.S. (www.thedailybeast.com, April 9, 2012). According to the Report on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences, submitted by the Special Rapporteur to the General Assembly in 2012, most prison staff in the U.S. is not adequately trained to prevent or respond to inmate sexual assaults, and prison rape often goes unreported and untreated (United Nations document number A/67/227). |
美国女性军人在服役期间也经常遭受性骚扰和性侵害,有媒体质疑美国军队中存在“强奸文化”。(见注52) 79%的女性军人在服役期间遭遇过性骚扰,大量受害女性军人患有创伤后应激障碍症和抑郁症。(见注53)美国空军军事教官路易斯·沃克强奸和性侵10名受训女性,是1990年以来美军被曝出的最大性丑闻。(见注54) 2011年,近3200起在美国军队中的强奸和性侵害事件被正式报道,就连五角大楼也承认这些事件仅占所有此类事件的15%;一项军事调查显示,约1/5美国军队中的女性曾经受到过性侵害,但大多数受害人没有向有关机构报告。约半数的受害人说他们“不想在单位中招惹麻烦”。(见注55) | Women in the U.S. forces are the victims of widespread sexual abuse, leading to media allegation that the US military has a culture of rape (www.aljazeera.com, August 4, 2012). Around 79 percent of women serving in the military reported experiences of sexual harassment. Military sexual trauma often leads to debilitating conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and major depression (www.servicewomen.org). That Air Force drill instructor Luis Walker was accused of raping and sexually assaulting 10 female trainees is the biggest sex scandal to hit the U.S. military since the 1990s (www.reuters.com, July 21, 2012). In 2011, nearly 3,200 rapes and sexual assaults were officially reported, but the Pentagon admits that represents just 15 percent of all incidents. A military survey revealed that one in five women in the US forces has been sexually assaulted, but most do not report it. Nearly half said that they "did not want to cause trouble in their unit" (www.aljazeera.com, August 4, 2012). |
少数族裔妇女健康状况堪忧。在华盛顿特区贫困社区里,异性恋的非洲裔妇女艾滋病毒感染率较两年前的6.3%几乎增加了一倍,官员说该市90%的女性艾滋病患者是黑人。(见注56)非洲裔妇女只占美国女性人口总数的14%,而每年新感染艾滋病毒的妇女中,66%是黑人;黑人妇女艾滋病患者死亡率是白人妇女的近16倍。(见注57)《芝加哥论坛报》网站2012年8月3日报道称,美国少数族裔妇女在分娩过程中或分娩后不久的死亡率要高于白人妇女。每出生10万个婴儿,就有7到9个白人母亲死于生产过程之中,西班牙裔和亚裔母亲中有10个左右,而黑人母亲中则高达32到35人。 | The health of female minority groups is worrying. A media report in June 2012 said rate of HIV infection in heterosexual African American women in the poorest neighborhoods of Washington, D.C. nearly doubled the 6.3 percent infection rate two years before. Officials said 90 percent of all women with HIV in the city are black (www.washingtonpost.com, June 21, 2012). Sixty-six percent of the women newly infected with HIV each year are black, even though African-American women represent only 14 percent of the U.S. female population. The national age-adjusted death rate for black women in the U.S. is nearly 15 times higher than that observed for HIV-infected white women (www.newswise.com, March 7, 2012). Minority women in the U.S. are more likely to die during or soon after childbirth than white women, according to a report posted on the website of the Chicago Tribune on August 3, 2012. For every 100,000 babies born to white women, between seven and nine moms die from complications related to pregnancy. In comparison, 32 to 35 black women die for every 100,000 live babies. Deaths among Hispanic and Asian women - born in the U.S. and abroad - are closer to rates for white women at around 10 per 100,000. |
儿童人身安全得不到保障,人身自由受到侵害。英国《每日电讯报》网站2012年12月16日报道称,美国儿童死于枪支的比率是排在其后面的全世界20个主要工业化国家总比率的25倍。全国反失踪和被剥削儿童中心称,每年至少有10万名儿童被贩卖。(见注58) | Children in the U.S. are not blessed with enough protection for their personal safety and freedom. According to a report posted on the website of the Daily Telegraph on December 16, 2012, the slaughter of children by gunfire in the U.S. is 25 times the rate of the 20 next largest industrial countries in the world combined. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children says at least 100,000 children across the country are trafficked each year (www.usatoday.com, September 27, 2012). |
儿童性侵害案件严重。美国防止虐待儿童网站2012年11月5日报道称,20%成年女性和5-15%成年男性在童年或青少年时期遭遇过性虐待。2010年美国有63527名儿童成为性虐待的受害者。美国有线电视新闻网2012年10月18日报道称,美国童子军公布的1247件“不合格志愿者档案”,详细列举了超过1000多名被控性侵儿童的童子军领袖和志愿者的资料。他们被控在1965年到1985年性侵或猥亵男童而被开除出童子军。报道称,教士和地方童子军领袖长期包庇性侵儿童的嫌疑人。前宾夕法尼亚州州立大学美式足球助理教练杰里·桑达斯基在长达15年的时间里对10名男孩进行了性虐待。(见注59)2012年美国还曝出了系列宗教人员性侵儿童案件:7月,费城天主教高级教士威廉姆·林恩因纵容一名涉嫌猥亵儿童的神职人员继续接触儿童而获刑六年;(见注60)9月,一名堪萨斯城主教因未能举报其手下一名制作儿童色情作品的神父而被判有罪。(见注61) | Child sexual abuse is a widespread public health problem. Research indicates that 20 percent of adult females and 5 to 15 percent adult males experienced sexual abuse in childhood or adolescence, according to a report posted on the website of www.preventchildabuse.org on November 5, 2012. In 2010, 63,527 children in the U.S. were victims of child sexual abuse. According to a report by the CNN on October 18, 2012, 1,247 "ineligible volunteer files" of the Boy Scout released that year identified more than 1,000 leaders and volunteers banned from Boy Scout after being accused of sexual or inappropriate conduct with boys from 1965 to 1985. Priests and leaders of the Boy Scouts had shielded abusers, according to the report. Former Pennsylvania State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was convicted of abusing 10 children over 15 years (www.usatoday.com, October 10, 2012). In 2012, several religious figures were found to have sexually assaulted children. In July 2012, Roman Catholic monsignor William Lynn was sentenced to six years in prison for allowing a priest suspected of sexual misconduct with a minor to have continued contact with children (the Wall Street Journal, July 24, 2012). In September, a Roman Catholic bishop in Kansas City was found guilty of failing to tell authorities about child pornography that was produced by a priest under his supervision (the Wall Street Journal, September 6, 2012). |
儿童无家可归者数量剧增,贫困率居高不下。美国教育部2012年6月27日发布数据显示,公立学校报告的无家可归儿童和青少年数量有史以来首次超过100万,该数字尚不包括未登记人员在内。44个州报告州内无家可归学生的数量呈现逐年增长的趋势,15个州称这一增幅在20%以上。自2006-2007学年以来,在公立学校登记入学的无家可归儿童数量增加了57%。全国无家可归和贫困法律中心2012年6月27日报告称,密歇根州在公立学校登记入学的无家可归儿童数量在2008到2011年间增长了315%。(见注62)2012年9月,纽约市儿童无家可归者达到1万9千人。14岁的弗朗切斯科居住在收容所里,他说,“收容所里的生活像地狱一样”。(见注63)无家可归的孩子学业表现堪忧,只有52%的人能达到熟练阅读水平,51%的人数学能够及格。无家可归的学生更容易失学,且高中毕业率远低于其他学生。(见注64)美国2012年发布的儿童及青少年主要生活指数显示, 2010年, 1640万0到17岁的美国儿童和青少年生活在贫困之中,约占该年龄段儿童和青少年总数的22%。(见注65)有14个州报告在2010年至2011年间,越来越多的儿童陷入贫困境地。(见注66)过去十年中,内华达州的儿童贫困人口上升了38%。(见注67) 注41:womensenews.org,2012年12月11日。 注42:womensenews.org,2012年4月30日。 注43:同上。 注44:芝加哥论坛网站(articles.chicagotribune.com),2012年11月7日。 注45:美国有线电视新闻网(edition.cnn.com),2012年11月26日。 注46:《洛杉矶时报》网站(www.latimes.com),2012年2月8日。 注47:womensenews.org,2012年9月17日。 注48:www.dccadv.org,2012年10月1日。 注49:womensenews.org,2012年7月17日。 注50:www.thedailybeast.com,2012年4月9日。 注51:联合国文件编号A/67/227。 注52:半岛电视台网站(www.aljazeera.com),2012年8月4日。 注53:服役女兵行动网(www.servicewomen.org)。 注54:路透社网站(www.reuters.com),2012年7月21日。 注55:半岛电视台网站(www.aljazeera.com),2012年8月4日。 注56:《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2012年6月21日。 注57: www.newswise.com,2012年3月7日。 注58:《今日美国报》,2012年9月27日。 注59:《今日美国报》,2012年10月10日。 注60:《华尔街日报》网站,2012年7月24日。 注61:《华尔街日报》,2012年9月6日。 注62:全国无家可归和贫困法律中心网站(www.nlchp.org),2012年6月27日。 注63:《纽约每日新闻》,2012年9月9日。 注64:今日全美教育协会网站(neatoday.org),2012年11月28日。 注65:《基督教科学箴言报》网站(www.csmonitor.com),2012年7月17日。 注66:今日美国网站(usatoday.com),2012年9月23日。 注67:《基督教科学箴言报》网站(www.csmonitor.com),2012年8月17日。 |
The number of homeless children increases sharply in the U.S. and many children are stricken by poverty. For the first time in history, public schools reported more than one million homeless children and youth, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Education on June 27, 2012. This total does not include homeless children and youth who were not enrolled in public preschool programs and those identified by school officials. Forty-four states reported school year-to-year increases in the number of homeless students, with 15 states reporting increases of 20 percent or more. The number of homeless children enrolled in public schools has increased 57 percent since the 2006-2007 school year. In Michigan, the number of homeless children enrolled in public schools had increased 315 percent between 2008 and 2011 (www.nlchp.org, June 27, 2012). The number of children in New York city's shelters hit 19,000 by September 2012. Francheska Luciano, 14, said living in shelter was "like living in hell." (www.nydailynews.com, September 9, 2012) The U.S. Department of Education said in a report that only 52 percent of identified homeless students who took standardized tests were proficient in reading, and only 51 percent passed the math portion. Homeless students were also found to be more likely to drop out of school and less likely to graduate from high school than their classmates (www.neatoday.org, Nov. 28, 2012). According to "America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2012," 22 percent of the children aged 0 to 17, or 16.4 million kids, live in poverty in 2010 (www.csmonitor.com, July 17, 2012). Fourteen states saw increases in child poverty between 2010 and 2011 (usatoday.com, September 23, 2012). Nevada saw a 38 percent increase in child poverty over the past decade (www.csmonitor.com, August 17, 2011). |
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