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August 13, 2004 - August 20, 2004
My Father, Deng Xiaoping
China Newsweek published its interview with Deng Rong, the youngest daughter of the late paramount leader Deng Xiaoping, in the days leading up to the 100th anniversary of Deng's birth on August 22. In the following excerpts from that interview, Deng Rong reveals a private side of her father that even those who know him as a great statesman may have never seen.
Crop Trade Deficit Recorded for 1st Time
China logged a staggering agriculture trade deficit in the first half of this year, importing US$3.73 billion more than it exported, according to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture. Considering it a result of the country's ever-opening market, agriculture officials and academics think the situation may not become a trend.
Shanghai Tourism Industry Enters Growth Spurt
Last week, Shanghai's first two foreign-invested travel agencies were officially launched. They are expected to be followed by many more as the metropolis and surrounding areas fortify the local travel and tourism sector with new infrastructure and improved administration in the period leading up to the 2010 World Expo.
Japan Urged to Stop Seeking UN Security Council Seat
Japan's House of Representatives Speaker Yohei Kono suggested Tuesday that Japan maintains its war-renouncing Constitution rather than revising it with an aim at gaining a permanent seat of the UN Security Council.
CNOOC Signs Oil Exploration Contract
China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) inked a deepwater oil exploration contract Monday with Husky Oil China, a subsidiary of Canada's Husky Energy, for oil exploration in the eastern South China Sea.
Nationwide Crackdown on 'Phone Sex' Services
In the second part of a nationwide campaign against pornography, a number of central government departments are clamping down on phone sex services. Local governments across the country have been ordered to shut down phone sex operations by October 1.
Zhejiang Mudslide Kills At Least 25
An avalanche of mud and rock caused by Typhoon Rananim has left at least 25 people dead, 22 missing and nine injured in the mountains of Zhejiang Province. In other typhoon-hit portions of the province, people are picking up the pieces and life is beginning to return to normal.
China Regrets Japanese Shrine Visit
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said yesterday that the nation expressed "deep regret" over the visit of several senior Japanese officials and parliamentarians to Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine for war dead, including top World War II criminals.
59th Anniversary of Anti-Japanese War's End Marked
People across the nation commemorated the 59th anniversary of the end of the Anti-Japanese War on Sunday. People from both countries vowed to remember the historical lessons of the war and to enhance friendly ties between China and Japan.
28th Olympic Games Started Opening Ceremony
The 28th Olympic Games started its opening ceremony Friday night. 10,500 athletes from a record entry of 202 countries and regions are competing and four billion people tuned in the live broadcast of the opening ceremony.
115 Die in Wake of Typhoon Rananim
At least 115 people were killed and more than 1,800 injured when Typhoon Rananim ripped through East China's Zhejiang Province, causing widespread destruction. Rananim is the strongest typhoon in the country since 1997, when Typhoon Winnie killed 236 people and caused US$2.38-billion damage.
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