六、提高能源普遍服务水平 |
VI. Improving Universal Energy Service |
保障和改善民生是中国能源发展的根本出发点和落脚点。中国统筹城乡能源协调发展,加强能源基础设施建设,改善广大农村和边疆少数民族地区用能条件,提高能源基本服务均等化水平,让能源发展成果更多地惠及全体人民。 |
The fundamental objective of China's energy development is to guarantee and improve the livelihood of its people. China makes great efforts to equalize access to basic energy service for its entire population. It balances the energy development in both urban and rural areas, enhances energy infrastructure and improves the energy conditions in the vast rural and border areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities in compact communities, so that energy development can benefit all Chinese people. |
——解决无电人口用电问题。增加财政投入,通过扩大电网覆盖面和发展分散式可再生能源,着力解决西藏、新疆、青海、云南、四川、内蒙古等省区无电人口用电问题。在无电人口集中地区,建立并完善承担社会公共服务功能的电力普遍服务体系。2015年前基本解决无电人口的用电问题。 |
-- Providing universal access to electric power. In order to provide the people who have no access to electricity yet in the Tibet, Xinjiang Uygur and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions, as well as Qinghai, Yunnan and Sichuan provinces with electric power, the Chinese government increases investment to expand the coverage of the power grids and develop distributed renewable energy sources. In areas without grid connection, China establishes and completes the universal electric service system. By 2015, most of the people who at present don't have electricity in China will gain access to it. |
——大力推进农村能源建设。加强农村能源建设,对改善农村民生,发展现代农业意义重大。坚持“因地制宜、多能互补、综合利用、注重实效”的原则,加强农村能源基础设施建设,完善农村能源管理和服务体系。推进农村电网建设和改造,改善农村生产生活用电条件,建设安全可靠、节能环保、技术先进、管理规范的新型农村电网。大力发展农村可再生能源,因地制宜开展绿色能源示范工程,到2015年建成200个绿色能源示范县、1000个太阳能示范村。实施农村水电增效扩容改造,加强水电新农村电气化县和小水电代燃料工程建设。推广应用太阳能热水器。 |
-- Boosting energy development in rural areas. Energy development in rural areas is of great significance for the betterment of farmers' living standards and modern agricultural progress. Adhering to the principle of comprehensive and effective utilization of diverse energy sources according to local conditions, China increases financial input in energy infrastructure in rural areas and ameliorates rural energy management and services. It upgrades rural power grids to improve electric power conditions for rural life and production, and hence establish new-type rural power grids, which, backed by advanced technology and management, are safe, reliable, efficient and eco-friendly. The Chinese government will put great efforts into developing renewable energy sources in rural areas, and launch various green energy demonstration projects in accordance with local conditions. By 2015, a total of 200 green-energy counties and 1,000 villages using solar energy will be set up as examples. China rebuilds old hydropower stations in rural areas to increase their capacity and efficiency. It accelerates the electrification of hydropower-based rural areas, and builds more small-sized hydropower stations, so as to get rid of the use of wood as fuel in some rural areas. In addition, the Chinese government promotes the use of solar water heaters around the country. |
——加强边疆地区能源建设。改革开放以来,边疆地区经济社会发展取得历史性进步,用能状况得到较大改善,但与中东部地区相比还有较大差距。国家对边疆地区将加大资金支持力度,加强这些地区能源基础设施和民生能源工程建设,积极支持西藏、新疆跨越式发展。加快推进西藏、新疆和青海、四川、云南、甘肃四省藏区电网建设,扩大电网覆盖面,提高供电可靠性。制定和实施西藏能源发展规划,加大电力援藏资金支持,“十二五”期间直接援助资金将超过9亿元人民币。加快“气化南疆”、“气化北疆”等民生能源工程,继续加强新疆与西北电网联网工程建设,推进“疆电外送”能源大通道建设,尽快将新疆资源优势转化为经济优势。在偏远农牧区建设一批太阳能发电、风光互补电站等新能源设施,提高农牧民生活质量。 |
-- Enhancing energy development in border regions. Since 1978, when China launched its reform and opening-up drive, great progress has been witnessed in both the society and economy of the country's border regions. However, the energy conditions in these areas, despite great improvement that has been made, still lag far behind the eastern and central regions. The Chinese government will appropriate financial funds to improve energy infrastructure and build energy projects that have a direct bearing on the people's livelihood in the border regions, especially in Tibet and Xinjiang, to support leapfrogging development there. It will accelerate the electrical grid construction in Tibet and Xinjiang as well as the Tibetan-inhabited areas in Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and Gansu provinces, enlarge the coverage of the distribution grid, and strengthen the reliability of power supply. The government will draw up and implement the "Tibet Energy Development Program," and provide extra funding to Tibet for its electric power development - the direct investment during the 12th Five-Year Plan period to exceed 900 million yuan. The energy projects to improve the people' s livelihood, such as the "Electrification of Southern Xinjiang" and "Electrification of Northern Xinjiang," will be sped up. The state will press on with the project to connect Xinjiang power grid to the northwest China grid so as to form an energy channel as soon as possible to get Xinjiang' s redundant electric power transmitted to other parts of China to generate more funds for the development of Xinjiang. The government will build a group of solar power and solar-wind hybrid power plants in the farming and herding areas far from towns to improve the quality of life of the farmers and herdsmen there. |
——改善城镇居民生活用能条件。加强城镇电网改造和升级,提高供电质量和可靠性。做好电力供应保障,优先确保居民生活用电。加快发展天然气,建设和完善城市供气管网,让更多的居民用上天然气。在北方采暖城市,因地制宜发展热电联产机组,进一步改善居民供暖条件。 |
-- Improving energy conditions in urban areas. The Chinese government will upgrade the urban grids to raise the quality and reliability of power supply in urban areas. It guarantees urban power supply, especially household electricity consumption. The state accelerates natural gas development. Natural gas supply networks will be built or improved in cities so that more urban residents will gain access to natural gas. In northern cities, where the district heating system is applied, the government will develop co-generation units based on local conditions to improve the heating quality. |
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