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September 10, 2004 - September 17, 2004
Chinese Outbound Travel Soars 63.7%
The number of travelers outbound from China reached 16.0 million in the first seven months of 2004, jumping 63.7 percent from the same period last year. In 2003, the number of overseas travelers surpassed Japan's, putting China firmly on the way to becoming one of the world's most powerful tourism nations.
No Room for Splittists in Xinjiang
A senior Party official said there is absolutely no room for the extremely small number of national splittists and terrorists in Xinjiang as people of various ethnic groups unite, border defense is strengthened and people's living standards keep rising.
FDI Spike Continues
China registered actual FDI of US$43.6 billion in the first eight months, up 18.8 percent year-on-year and an estimated 55.3 percent -- a new record for the year -- in August. Meanwhile, growth in fixed asset investment slowed year-on-year as a result of the government's tightening measures, rebounding only slightly from May's low.
UN Refuses to Consider Taiwan's UN Representation
The General Committee of the United Nations General Assembly decided Wednesday at its 59th session not to include into the draft agenda of the current session the so-called "question of the representation of 23 million people of Taiwan in the UN."
CAS Probes Scientific Mysteries of the Highlands
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will move next year to Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region, enabling scientists to conduct on-site research with experts invited from around the world. The "roof of the world," once an ocean floor, is a treasure trove of scientific mysteries waiting to be explored.
US Interference in HK Affairs Rejected
The Office of Commissioner of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong on Tuesday firmly rejected Washington's rude interference in China's internal affairs and the affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Finding Family Roots at Harbin's Jewish Cemetery
The Jewish holy day of Rosh Hashanah, a time of reflection and self-evaluation, begins on the evening of Sept. 15 this year. It comes not long after a journey of reflection and memory that more than 100 Jews from all over the world recently made in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province.
Tropical Storm Haima Sweeps over Wenzhou
Tropical storm Haima, the 21st of the kind this year, landed in east China's Zhejiang Province from Wenzhou City around midday on Monday. A fishing boat with 16 people on board was still missing after the rescue work was forced to be suspended with the approach of the tropical storm.
Top Leadership Promotes DPRK Ties
President Hu Jintao sent a message of friendship and cooperation to Kim Jong-il, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), on Sunday through Li Changchun, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee. Li, leading a delegation of Party and government representatives, started an official goodwill visit to Pyongyang on Friday.
HK Holds Election for LegCo
Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa came to the Hong Kong Park Sports Center to cast his vote for the third term Legislative Council (LegCo) election at 9:00 AM Sunday. A total of 501 polling stations in Hong Kong are open to the electors to cast their votes from 7:30 AM to 10:30 PM Sunday.
Imports to Hit US$1 Trillion by 2010
Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai predicted that China's imports may reach US$1 trillion by the year 2010. The minister made the remarks at the International Forum on the Common Development of China's Economy and the World Economy Friday.
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