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November 5, 2004 - November 12, 2004
Anti-smuggling a Priority
Work against smuggling is essential to safeguard national interests, said Premier Wen Jiabao Wednesday whilst visiting an exhibition on the country's anti-smuggling endeavors.
Toxic Chemicals to Be Phased Out
China will begin to implement the 2001 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. This marks the beginning of an effort to rid the country of these highly dangerous chemicals, but the costs involved and lack of awareness and technologies will make it an extremely difficult task.
Taiwan Revising History
New proposals for high school history classes in Taiwan aim to detach the island's history from that of the rest of the country. This continues the separatists' policy of "desinification", but cannot change the long-standing legal reality that the island is not an independent state but is a part of China.
Progress on WTO Commitments
On Tuesday the director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO) said China's performance in meeting its entry commitments has been quite impressive, but there is still much work to be done. Thursday will mark the third anniversary of the country's entry into the WTO.
Tokyo Court Denies Assistance to Laborers
Two groups of Chinese who were used as forced labor during the War of Resistance Against Japan (1937-45) suffered another setback in their demand for compensation when a court refused to allow a Chinese lawyer to assist them during their hearings.
Hunt Starts for Abandoned Chemical Weapons
A large-scale search for chemical weapons abandoned by Japanese troops at the close of World War II started Monday in the Lianhuapao forest area in Dunhua, Jilin Province. Both Japanese and Chinese weapons experts are contributing to the effort, which is expected to continue until November 19. Some estimates put the number of chemical weapons abandoned in China at 2 million, scattered across a dozen municipalities and provinces.
Shanghai Residents Make Room for World Expo
Construction has begun in Shanghai on two huge residential projects to relocate people living around the site of the 2010 World Expo. In the largest relocation project in the city's history, an estimated 15,000 households and nearly 50,000 people will have to move to accommodate the expo.
Presidents Talk on Phone
Hu Jintao and George W. Bush had a phone conversation Monday reaffirming constructive ties and US commitment to its One China policy.
Promise to Prevent Babies Acquiring HIV
China's health ministry has pledged to take more action to help decrease mother-to-baby transmission of HIV. It has issued new guidelines for statutory and medical staff and is setting up pilot projects in 127 counties.
ASEAN Security Meeting Held in Beijing
Peace, progress and cooperation have become the general course of development in the Asia-Pacific region, said Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Friday when meeting with defense leaders at the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Security Policy Conference (ASPC) in Beijing.
Resource Satellite Sent into Orbit
China put its earth resource satellite, the third of ZY-2, into the orbit with a Chinese Long-March 4-B rocket that blasted off at 11:10 AM Saturday from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province. The first and second ZY-2 satellites, sent respectively on September 1, 2000 and October 27, 2002, are still running in the orbit and have sent back plenty of data.
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