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January 14, 2005 - January 21, 2005
Diplomatic Relations Resumed with Grenada
Grenada and China formally reinstated diplomatic relations with the signing of a joint communiqué by the countries' foreign ministers in Beijing on Thursday. The Caribbean nation had recognized the Taiwan regime for 15 years, but has now reaffirmed its one-China policy.
Iraq, China Continue Seeking Hostages' Release
Every effort will be made to ensure the safe release of the eight Chinese citizens abducted in Iraq, interim government Deputy President Rowsch Nuri Shaways said Thursday while meeting with top Chinese leaders. Meanwhile, China's diplomatic efforts to secure the hostages' release are continuing around the clock. Nearly a day past the 48-hour deadline set by their captors, there has been no official news on the hostages' fate.
94 Million Internet Users on the Mainland
According to a survey conducted by the China Internet Network Information Center, the number of people using the internet on the Chinese mainland reached 94 million by the end of 2004, and over half of them were below the age of 25.
Beijing Feels the Pinch of Winter Gas Shortage
Beijing is facing its worst natural gas shortage in 20 years this winter. Officials are scrambling to obtain supplies to get the city through the upcoming Spring Festival holiday and major central government conferences. Mayor Wang Qishan said that the shortfall came as a surprise owing to unrealistic estimates of quantities needed for the winter.
Forests Growing in China
The State Forestry Administration announced on Tuesday that based on a five-year study, the country's overall forested area is growing and improving in terms of species mix. However, illegal logging and improper use of land remain significant problems, as does unbalanced distribution of forest coverage.
8 Chinese Hostages in Iraq Named
The eight Chinese nationals kidnapped by militants in Iraq have now been named. A video of them was broadcast on Aljazeera TV with a list of demands and a threat that they will be killed within 48 hours if they are not met.
High-tech Cooperation with the UK
The third UK-China High Technology Forum opened Monday in Beijing, with representatives from both countries expressing a desire for increased cooperation, particularly in energy, electronics, stem cell research and aerospace science.
Getting Petitions Heard
On Monday revised regulations were announced to enable petitioners to get their cases heard and resolved quickly and effectively. Coming into effect on May 1, they detail various levels of governments' responsibilities in dealing with petitions fairly, as well as petitioners' duties in helping to keep the system running smoothly.
'Go West' Campaign to Accelerate
This year China marks the fifth anniversary of its "Go West" campaign to develop the nation's western region. In the next five years, huge sums will continue to be invested in the area, with a focus on improving infrastructure and environment to attract further investment from the private sector.
Mainland, Taiwan Agree on Charter Flights
Chinese mainland and Taiwan civil aviation circles reached consensus Saturday on launching non-stop charter flights for Taiwan businessmen during the Spring Festival, Chinese Lunar New Year.
Fifty Years of China's Nuclear Industry
China has shaped a rational structure of nuclear industry by streamlining operation in the sector and balancing use of the technology in military and civilian fields, a senior official of the China National Nuclear Corporation said on Saturday in a meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China's nuclear industry.
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