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January 21, 2005 - January 28, 2005
Coal Shortages Expected to Come to the Fore
Cao Yushu, deputy secretary-general of the State Reform and Development Commission, said in Beijing on Thursday that coal shortages will become the most prominent economic challenge this year.
Lenovo: IBM Deal On Despite Challenges
The acquisition of IBM's PC unit by Lenovo has now been questioned by three high-ranking US Republicans, saying it may threaten national security. Lenovo has said it is optimistic about completing the purchase despite these challenges.
Airline Ready for Historic Taiwan Flights
China Eastern Airlines paraded the planes and crew that will be used for their first non-stop charter flights from the mainland to Taiwan Province during the Spring Festival holiday season. The planes, A340-600s, are the longest passenger aircraft in the world.
Spring Festival Peak Jams Railways
The annual peak travel season officially began Tuesday, and once again there is a huge gap between the capacity of the national rail system and passenger numbers. The Ministry of Railways said the expected opening up to investment from non-governmental sources should help develop the network.
First Joint Sino-Vietnamese Operation Against Heroin
From December 1, China and Vietnam coordinated their first joint anti-drug campaign. The initiative, lasting some 40 days, aimed to crack down on international drug dealers, and turn the frontier into a heroin-free area.
More Applicants, More Postgraduates
According to the Ministry of Education, about 1.2 million applicants registered for the national postgraduate entrance exam that concluded on Sunday. The record-breaking number is a 24 percent increase on last year.
Beijing Tops Overall Competition List
Beijing ranks first in overall competitive strength in China for 16 years in the past two decades, says a report published Friday. Shanghai ranks first in the overall economic strength followed by Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces.
Eight Hostages Freed in Iraq
The Eight Chinese hostages held by Iraqi insurgents have been released, the Chinese embassy in Iraq confirmed on Saturday. A videotape aired by Al-Arabiya said the Islamic Resistance Movement, Al-Numan Battalion, had decided to release the eight Chinese citizens as a goodwill gesture for the friendship between the two countries of Iraq and China.
Historical Documents on Taiwan Published
China has published a vast collection of historical documents concerning Taiwan, giving abundant proof of Taiwan's close link with China's mainland.
Nanjing Massacre Survivor Wins Lawsuit
The Supreme Court of Japan upheld Thursday a prior verdict where Nanjing Massacre survivor, Li Xiuying, successfully sued a right-wing Japanese writer for defamation.
Post Office Set up in Antarctica
China resumed a post office at the Great Wall Station in Antarctica at 5 pm Beijing time on Friday. A postal clerk from the Beijing International Post Office has arrived at the station and will serve as the only full-time postal clerk.
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