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January 28, 2005 - February 4, 2005
Survey Says 90% Felt Secure in 2004
The fourth sampling survey of people's sense of security was published on Thursday by the National Bureau of Statistics. It said 90 percent of people felt "secure" or "basically secure." "Social morals" were cited as the social issue of most concern to them.
Meningitis Kept in Check in Eastern Provinces
Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, thought to be the centers of the recent type C meningitis outbreak, appear to have contained the infection as no new cases have been reported there in over a week. Those still in recovery are said to be in a stable condition.
760 Suspects Arrested in Internet Gambling Cases
Police have uncovered 249 online gambling rings and arrested 760 suspects across the country since a crackdown was launched in January.
16 Textile Producers Win EU Market Economy Status
Sixteen Chinese chemical fiber cloth producers have won market economy status recognition from the EU, putting them in a better position in the EU's ongoing dumping investigation.
Nine New Ramsar Wetland Sites
Nine more areas of wetland were designated reserves of international importance on Wednesday, the ninth World Wetlands Day. China became an active partner in the Ramsar Convention in 1992 and now has 30 Ramsar designated sites covering 3.43 million hectares.
Representatives Pay Tribute to Koo in Taipei
Two personal representatives of Wang Daohan, president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, paid tribute to Koo Chen-fu, late chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, at a memorial service in Taipei yesterday afternoon.
Ministries Bolster Efforts for Rural Education
Education and finance ministry officials announced the expansion of assistance to poor students in 592 listed counties Tuesday. The focus remains on provision of free textbooks, boarding subsidies and exemption from additional fees.
New Insurance Fund Due in July
As a part of new local regulations on birth insurance, a special fund will come into force in July to cover medical fees and maternity leave for employed mothers in Beijing. It will cover around 1.1 million women who are permanent residents and work for urban enterprises.
Health Authorities Warn Against Meningitis Epidemic
The Ministry of Health urged everyone yesterday to help prevent the spread of an outbreak of bacterial meningitis. There were 258 known cases in the first month of this year – 94 more than last January – and 16 reported deaths.
Funds Raised for Shanghai's Special Olympics
Shanghai's organizing committee for the 2007 Special Olympics said on Saturday that they had raised US$4 million for the event by the end of last year. They were speaking at their first plenary conference, and expressed confidence in reaching their target of US$45 million.
Mainland, Taiwan Launch First Non-stop Flights in 56 Years
Civil aircraft of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan took off from Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Taipei respectively Saturday morning, kicking off the first ever non-stop, round-trip charter flights across the Taiwan Straits in 56 years.
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