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March 4, 2005 - March 11, 2005
Tung Chee Hwa Announces Intention to Resign
Tung Chee Hwa announced Thursday that he has officially submitted to the central government his request for resigning from the post as Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Human Rights Vigilance Increasing
The procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate gave his work report to the national legislature yesterday, and said that 1,595 state employees had been prosecuted for human rights abuses last year. Changes aimed at reducing wrongful arrests and prosecutions have also been introduced.
Lenovo Wins US Nod to Buy IBM PC
Lenovo Group and IBM announced on Wednesday that the Chinese company has won clearance from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to buy IBM's personal computer business. The merger -- the first such deal between a major US multinational and a top Chinese manufacturer -- will create the world's third largest PC maker.
Ethnic Minority CPPCC Members Panel
At a joint panel discussion meeting on Monday, representatives of China's 55 ethnic minorities from the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference reviewed Premier Wen Jiabao's government work report. They made suggestions for economic and social development in ethnic minority regions.
ASEAN Forum Vows Security Support
Foreign ministry representatives and security officials from 23 ASEAN Regional Forum members called for greater cooperation among Asia-Pacific countries on issues such as anti-terrorism and drug control at a seminar yesterday.
Tibet Balancing Economy and Ecology
The chairman of Tibet Autonomous Region told China.org.cn at the Third Session of the 10th National People's Congress in Beijing that the region is determined to accelerate economic development while paying enough attention to environmental protection.
NPC Accepts Jiang's Resignation
China's top legislature, the National People's Congress (NPC), accepted Jiang Zemin's request to resign from his remaining post as chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China in Beijing on Tuesday.
China Pursues Peace, But Not at Any Price
The Anti-Secession Law draft currently being considered by the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, reflects the nation's desire to achieve reunification with Taiwan peacefully. But it also draws a clear line showing that China, to preserve its territorial integrity, will not tolerate any overt attempts at secession.
Digital Help for Nation's Deputies
A growing number of NPC deputies are using expanded hi-tech services designed to provide them with the information they need to make decisions. The data bank includes not only thousands of articles about key topics, but also instant expert consultation and in-depth analysis.
Xinjiang Deputies Discuss Government Work Report
Following Premier Wen Jiabao's report on the government's work in 2004, delivered at the opening ceremony of the Third Session of the 10th National People's Congress, NPC deputies from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region gathered to discuss the impact of the government's work in their jurisdiction.
NPC Begins Annual Session
The 10th National People's Congress convened its Third Session in Beijing on Saturday morning. Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a government work report. In his report, Wen reviewed the social and economic development in 2004 and outlined the work tasks for the year 2005.
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